Life After a Python Course: What Comes Next? (Section - 4)

Applications of Python in STEM

Python is widely used in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) fields. Here are some practical applications of Python in STEM:

  • Data analysis with Pandas and NumPy: Pandas and NumPy are Python libraries used for data manipulation and analysis. They are commonly used in data science projects.

  • Machine learning with Scikit-Learn and TensorFlow: Scikit-Learn and TensorFlow are Python libraries used for machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI) projects.

  • Robotics with PySerial and PyUSB: PySerial and PyUSB are Python libraries used for controlling serial and USB devices. They are commonly used in robotics projects.

  • Computer vision with OpenCV: OpenCV is a Python library used for computer vision projects like image and video processing.


Python is a versatile programming language that is widely used in STEM fields. This course covered the basics, advanced concepts, and practical applications of Python with code samples. By practicing these examples and exploring other resources, you can become proficient in Python programming and apply it to various projects in STEM.

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